Are You A Dominator?

You wake up each day with a dream in your heart and a deep-seated desire to make it a reality.

You’re willing to do the #DarkWork (that hard, grueling work that no one recognizes and few are willing to do).

You see that a shift needs to take place INSIDE you in order for you to Make Shift Happen in the world around you.
Dominators are people who feel the constant flicker to do more, be more, and are looking to fan the flames. The Dark Work Daily was created to help you jump start each day with motivating stories, mindset-altering perspectives, and strategies to help you navigate your personal success journey.
So, are you a Dominator?
Click the button below👇 or text +1 (925) 433-7543 and put “DWD” in the message.
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A Quick Note from Anthony
Hey, fellow Dominator!
If you’re reading this then I know we already have a lot in common and should connect really soon.
That’s because you’re an ultra performer. I put more credit on that than calling yourself a “high achiever.” Why?
Because as ultra performers, we are always striving to achieve more. The ceiling for achievement doesn’t exist for us. What we may have once seen as a “high achievement” is now the baseline for our next success.
There is nothing outside of you that can keep you from achieving everything you want in life.
I know this to be true because I’ve been through a number of shifts in my life. At the age of 3, I was placed in the foster care system, and by 14 I was adopted into a very loving family, but not without plenty of challenges. My adoptive family was poor and all-white. The conditions around my childhood left me in a constant state of feeling abandoned and unworthy.
Somewhere along the way, I began to recognize patterns within myself that allowed me to overcome my atmospheric conditions and achieve a goal.
I took that pattern and applied myself to recreate success time and time again. From high school football, to a full-ride scholarship to the University of Oregon to play football and finally to the NFL at age 25.
You can read
my full story here.
That static energy that surrounds you will always present a force that feels like it is working against you, but you have all the capabilities you need to push through that force and achieve everything you’ve wanted.
Sometimes you just need a pep talk or a swift kick to keep you moving forward. That’s what I hope Shift Starer Daily does for you.
Text me “DWD” at +1 (925) 433-7543 and I’ll start sending you quick, motivating episodes each weekday. And make sure you text me back to let me know what you think of the first episode.

Anthony Trucks
Founder of Dark Work and The Dark Work Experience
Bestselling Author, Global Keynote Speaker, Fortune Business Consultant